Mobile Development

Innovative IOS and Android Apps

We take pride in the detail, quality, transparency and ability to deliver a unique solution for your business. Mobile development is a very complicated process and we go on the journey together to help you understand it.

3 Reasons why we should build your mobile application

We can create cross platform apps

Having the application run on both IOS and Android is achievable. We can maximise your investment by using the latest technologies

We can mobilise your idea

App ideas can become a reality. We have the skills to build high quality apps

We can save you money

We use the latest mobile development technologies that can make up-to 90% code reuse. Making the cost of having cross platform applications more affordable

What We Offer

  • IOS Applications

    Create an application targeted to iPhone and iPad users

    We are able to create applications that can run on both iPad and iPhones. We can create them using Objective-C, Swift, Xamarin, Microsoft PowerApps or React Native. We are happy to discuss the pros and cons with each of these technologies.

  • Android Applications

    Create an application for Android devices

    We are able to create applications that can run on Android phones and tablets. We can create them using Java, Xamarin, Microsoft PowerApps or React Native. We are happy to discuss the pros and cons with each of these technologies.

The Questions

It is important to understand the process involved with mobile development and what you will be getting. We have provided some common questions asked by our customers.

Costs for building an app vary. If you want your app to be able to run on a single operating system, for example just Android devices, then this is cheaper than creating it to run on both Android and IOS devices. Other factors that can affect cost are complexity, user authentication/authorisation and integration with enterprise systems or services.

  • A simple app with minimal design for iOS or Android will start from $10-15k.
  • A more complex design with ability to change content will start from $20k.
  • A more complex design with ability to integrate with external systems start at $50k.

Mobile app development is a very complicated process and it can take a while for a solution to be created. They require a lot of time to design, build and test. Contact us with your requirements and we are happy to help you get a better idea of the cost involved.

The cost of building a solution can vary.

  • Simple single design for IOS or Android systems can take 3-4 weeks
  • A more complicated design can take 6 months

Our expertise with apps will allow you to understand all the intricacies involved. We will be transparent and open throughout the journey, and provide you advice at all stages of the project's life cycle.

No. One thing that we definitely are happy to do is create a Non-Disclosure Agreement before you tell us your idea. We have plenty of things to do, and building an app takes quite a bit of time and effort. We have lots of our own ideas that we would love to create, but we want to help create yours first.

Having a clear understanding of your target market, creating a revenue model and having a marketing strategy increases your changes of generating money. There are various ways to earn revenue with your app. We are happy to help create a Digital Marketing Strategy for you.

Yes. Every year, there are new versions of operating systems and device hardware that can affect how your mobile app runs. Unfortunately, this is out of our control and it may require a fix to your app to keep it working.

To help us get started quicker and also to keep your costs down, doing the following steps is helpful:

  • Understand what it is you want. For example, write down a brief outlining why you need a new app
  • Do your homework. Find out if there are any apps that already exist that do what you want or offer a similar service to yours. Just because it may already exists, doesn't mean you shouldn't create your own. There may be ways to do it better or market it better
  • Know your budget. Understand that there are additional costs outside of the building of your app. You will have to cater for marketing, promotional and potentially server hosting costs.
  • Know who you want to use your app
  • Think about how you will make a return on investment. Apps are expensive, but it is possible to make money from them.

Ready to work with us? Lets have a chat on +61 (08) 7111 3390

Contact Us

Still confused?

We are here to help you understand how a custom software solution can help your business. When you decide that your need custom software, our experts will help define options for you to help with your requirements.

Our 5 Step Mobile Development Approach

Building an app can be quite scary and daunting to customers. We remove any concerns that you have during our journey together. We offer transparency at all aspects of the project and allow you to review the progress as its being built.

We break up the app into a series of features, in which you have total control over the order of which are developed. We understand that your requirments, budget and needs can change, and by having each feature as a deliverable, you are free to change what you want and when you want it.

  1. Analysis
    Understand your requirements and budget
  2. Proposal
    Develop design specification
    Send you a customised software proposal
    Agree upon design and scope
  3. Implement
    Build and test software
    Test & get feedback from you
    Make changes where required
  4. Deploy
    Go live with software
  5. Support and Monitor
    Provide documentation and training for your software

Ready to work with us? Lets have a chat on +61 (08) 7111 3390

Contact Us

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