System Integration

Enabling communication between your systems

Enabling systems to communicate with each other not only improves operational efficiencies within your business, it saves you time and money. System integration is becoming essential for business irrespective of size or complexity. We have the experience to analyse, document and build solutions that will increase your operational efficiencies with tailored system integrations. We develop our solutions to ensure that it is easily supported by your business and by your employees. When you work with us, we will ask the right questions, understand your requirements and build a solution exactly what you need.

3 Reasons why we should write your integrations

We write unit, integration and behaviour tests

Writing tests ensures that you software is doing what it is meant to

We use design patterns

We make sure the code follows maintainable and supportable architectures. We use industry standard approaches that makes it easier support

We use innovative tools

We use tools such as Refactor to optimise our time when writing code

What We Offer

  • System Intergrations

    System integration is becoming more important due to the increasing advances in automation technology, and the associated need to simplify processes for easier management.

    Businesses can struggle when it comes to managing their data and business processes when their business grows. As data being collected from their clients and suppliers increases, the business processes start to get harder to manage. System integration is defined in engineering as the process of bringing together the component sub-systems into one system and ensuring that the subsystems function together as a whole. For business, this essentially means enabling systems to communicate.

The Questions

Due to the increased advances in technology, and the need to simplify processes and data management, an integrated system can streamline business processes, reduce costs and increase efficiencies. We have the expertise to help you do this.

Every business is not the same, and consequently neither are the tools and systems used. System integrations enable separate IT systems to be able to communicate. By enabling systems to "talk to each other" they speed up information flows and reduce operational costs.

Some of the key benefits are:

  • Improved business processes
  • Increased efficiency of employee's time
  • Increased sales
  • Improved data management
  • Reduced operation costs
  • Reduced double data entry

When it comes to productivity of your employees, system integration enables employees to utilise their time more efficiently by working on tasks that add more value to your business. For example, automating processes such as invoicing. 

Depending on your organisation, what systems you need integrating and budget, there are many options available. As an example:

  • We can create simple stand alone applications that can run on demand or on a regular schedule
  • We can use some of the IPASS (Integration platform as a service) providers, such as Dell Boomi
  • We can use some cloud based providers such as Microsoft Azure

Ready to work with us? Lets have a chat on +61 (08) 7111 3390

Contact Us

Still confused?

Still not sure if we can help? Here is a list of things that we have compiled that can help you.

Benefits of system integrations

  • Improved performance
  • Increases in employee utilisation and efficiencies
  • Reduced operational costs
  • Increased sales
  • Increased customer satisfaction

Our 5 Step System Integration Approach

We use Agile for all software development. This approach allows you as the customer to identify what we work on and when

  1. Anaysis
    Understand your business
    Understand your requirements and budget
  2. Proposal
    Develop design specification
    Send you a customised software proposal
    Agree upon design and scope
  3. Implement
    Build and test software
    Test & get feedback from you
    Make changes where required
  4. Deploy
    Go live with software
  5. Support and monitor
    Provide documentation and training for your software

Ready to work with us? Lets have a chat on +61 (08) 7111 3390

Contact Us

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